Friday, September 30, 2011

Observations for Lab 2

Monday's lab was very enjoyable for me.  I felt like the students really enjoyed the games that they participated in.  All of the students seemed very enthused and eager to be there, and also seemed really excited to see us there to interact with them.  I made a poster to go with the theme of the day, and the theme was friendship.  I helped create a poster that spelled "FUN" with the Spongebob FUN song lyrics on it.  As for our game that Devon and I had the students play, I felt went very well.

 Yes, their are some things that we need to improve but overall I feel that it went very smoothly.
We related it to Finding Nemo, and the students really enjoyed that because they could relate to the movie.  We had to save Nemo and avoid getting tagged by the sharks.  The students were very eager to play it that it was difficult keeping their attention to finish explaining the game to them.  I was very pleased with the way the game went.  Also the students really enjoyed the chicken dance too.

 It is very gratifying seeing their faces light up when they are playing the games.  I really look forward to going back their to work with them again.  Also I look forward to working with children in the future to further their physical education in order to lead a physically fit and active lifestyle.

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