Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ice Skating Stop

From the skating lesson i learned 3 different ways to stop.  The are the snowplow stop, the hockey stop, and dragging your back foot at a 90 degree angle behind you other foot.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Lab D was my final teaching lab for 255.  This lab was very exciting for me to teach because I was teaching something that I was not very familiar with, Zumba.  Zumba is a type of dance that is the latest fitness craze that is swiping the nation.  It brings in Latin dance rhythms and creating a dance routine.  I really enjoyed teaching this lab because it challenged me in a whole new way.  Not only was it challenging because of the lack of dance skills that I have, but I taught a new teaching style as well.  I was able to use the practice teaching technique for this lab.  I felt for my first ever experience using practice teaching went very well.  From here it will only get better.  I felt my strong points of the lesson was demonstrations, and keeping the class under control for the most part, even though Sarah did a backflip that I did not catch.  I feel that demonstrations are my strong point because I use multiple view and also have students come up and demonstrate them for the class as well.  I feel that I need more practice on giving congruent feedback.  I did hear my self give a lot of general feedback, just saying nice job or way to go, but I felt I did not give enough congruent feedback to the class that pertained to what they were doing.  I also felt very comfortable teaching this lesson even though I had very little experience with Zumba in the past.  Also I brought in a different aspect in how I used technology.  In this lesson I wanted my students to get a hands on experience working with technology in a physical education setting.  I created a blog for the class and asked them to answer some assignments and post about what they learned in the class.  I feel that intergrading this is important especially for the future and what it might hold.  In the future I feel that technology will have an even bigger presence in the physical education world.  It is good to have your students be familiar with technology and how it can be incorporated into the class setting.  Overall I feel that as the year went on I am getting stronger aspects as a teacher.  I am using a wider variety of strategies such as incorporating instant activities, having experience teaching in more than one technique, and also stepping outside of my comfort zone to teach different topics and lessons.  This is a really great class and I have learned so much so fast to better myself as a teacher.  I can not wait to see what lies in the future that I can use to become a better teacher, and I look forward to bettering my skills and becoming the best teacher that I can possibly be.  I want to keep challenging myself as much as I can, because that is the only way to can better yourself and succeed at a high level, challenging yourself and keep striving to reach your goals.        


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thanksgiving at St. Mary's

Monday's lab I was in the group who led the main activities.  I taught Turkey Soup.  It was a soccer type game where all the 'ingredenents' were placed in the middle of the gymnasium and bring it back to the 'pot' by kicking the balls into the goal.  I was able to keeps the kids attention very well this week because I kept my instructions short, so I would not lose them and their attention.  It was very fun even though only 5 students participated at first.  The students that participated seemed very excited to play and loved the game.  When I was asking some of the students who were not participating in the game one student said he did not want to play my game.  After the gymnasium was done we went down to the cafeteria.  I was playing mancala with Tim, and after I played store with Suzy.  They were very happy to have us students their playing with them and they loved every minute of it.  Back up in the gym I played tag with Joey, and Billy.  They were having a riot trying to tag me and have me be it.  It was a lot of fun today.  I look forward to the last lab at St. Mary's.  Even though it is the last lab that we will have their, it was a great experience where I learned a lot about teaching to the elementary aged school kids.  They are so excited to see us every time we go, and every week they tire you out because you are playing with them and chasing them around the gym.  

Monday, November 7, 2011

Second pre lab

Here is a second pre lab video where I am working on how my lesson will be planned out.

Pre lab for 255

Here is one of my pre lab works for lab d.  I am teaching Zumba and I am going over what I am going to teach and how I am going to do it.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween at St. Mary's

Halloween at St. Mary's was a blast.  The children were all wound up because of the holiday and they were all looking forward to going trick or treating.  It was very difficult to keep them under control while teaching them the game that I created.  We started out playing tag outside on the playground.  I was dressed up in a banana costume and all the kids tried ripping my top off chasing me.  When we came back inside it was a little difficult to keep the kids attention while explaining my game of ghost and goblins with them.  They were very wild, excited, and just wanted to run around.  I thought my game went very well even though it was difficult to explain my game to them due to their excitement.  It was very enjoyable seeing the children excited see everyone dressed up for Halloween, you feel a better connection to the students that way.  It also shows that you are making an effort in trying to relate to them.  After I was done teaching was went to Hula Hoop with Freddy.  He was very good at it, much better than me I must say.  He was tell ing me that a pre-k student taught him how to do it, by swinging your hips forward and backwards.  He was teaching me how to do it.  Also he was telling me how he was trying to catch a ball and throw it back while hula-hooping for the talent show that was coming up.  This was another successful lab and I look forward to leading games next time for Thanksgiving.